Dining Services working reimburse meals not claimed due to Irma
September 25, 2017

UNF Dining Services is working to provide “food certificates” to students who couldn’t use their meal plans during the week Hurricane Irma impacted northeast Florida, according to the university’s Twitter.
When Irma came through UNF, many dining locations on campus limited their hours of operation, and some locations, including the Osprey Café on Sept. 10 and 11, closed completely. During this time, students’ ability to use their meal plans was also limited.
Students who are expecting a reimbursement from Dining Services should keep an eye on their e-mail for further notifications. Spinnaker will update this story if new information becomes available.
The statement reads:
“UNF Dining Services is still working on details to provide food certificates to students who weren’t able to use their weekly allotment of meals because of Hurricane Irma. Once details are worked out, information will be emailed to those students who qualify.”
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