Police Beat: Stolen laundry, sexual harassment, and online threats

Sam Chaney

Graphic by Rachelle Keller

Stolen Laundry

UNFPD were dispatched to Bldg. 17 when a student reported his laundry had been stolen on Feb. 22.

The student told officials his laundry was taken from the community laundry room.

According to the report, the student started his laundry at approximately 1:30 a.m., but discovered it all missing when he returned to transfer the load into the dryer.

Officials reportedly searched the laundry room and asked a front desk employee if she had any knowledge of what happened, but no specific information was obtained.

The report describes the missing clothing items as multiple t-shirts, underwear and a towel valued at a total of $150.

Patrol efforts have been suspended.


“Do You Like What You See?”

On Feb. 22, UNFPD responded to a report of indecent exposure in Lot 18.

The police report states a female student was walking on the double walkway from Bldg. 58 to Lot 18 when she was approached by a white man with black hair, a black shirt, black shorts and black tennis shoes around 30 years of age.

According to the student, the man pulled down his shorts and used both hands to lift his penis, asking, “Do you like what you see?”

He then reportedly pulled his pants back up and ran in the direction of Bldg. 43, at which point the student immediately contacted UNFPD.

The report states officials searched the area, but no witnesses were found.

The female student said she could identify the man if she saw him and wanted to press charges.

Patrol efforts have been suspended.


Quit Following Me

UNFPD were dispatched to the Osprey Crossings on Feb. 23 in response to a female student wanting to report an incident in which she was followed on campus.

According to the student, she was walking from Bldg. 12 to Bldg. 57 for class when a white male riding a purple Penny board approached her and asked if she was a member of Kappa Sigma.

The police report states he attempted to ask the student which sorority she was in and where she lived, but the student reportedly did not answer him.

The student reported the male continued to follow her saying he was attempting to organize a Spring Break party with a fraternity and a sorority, at which point she told him she could not help him.

The male reportedly proceeded to follow her until she reached Bldg. 57, and the female student tried to evade him by entering the restroom. According to the report, he was still there when she exited, and she went straight to class.

The report describes the male as approximately 5’8”-5’10” with brown hair, an unkept beard, a black button-down shirt and black pants.

A witness has been identified, and the case is still under investigation.


This Isn’t A Game

A student met with officials at the University Police Station on Feb. 26 to report threats he had received online.

The student reported the possibility that someone may contact UNF and make a “swatting call” to falsely threaten the campus under his name.

According to the police report, the student received these threats while playing an online game on Feb. 21. During the game, another player reportedly became angry at the student, vowing to get him kicked out of school for making threats.

The student believes the player would have obtained his personal information from his gaming profile. The report states the online harassment continued on Feb. 24, and the gamer’s online username is “EVISU.”

The student reportedly believes the gamer’s real name is “Alex M.,” and that he lives in Europe.

The case is still under investigation.

For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.