UNF Opera Ensemble celebrates 10 years at UNF
March 5, 2018

Photo courtesy of UNF School of Music.
We may not have a phantom, but we do have an opera ensemble here at UNF.
This weekend the University of North Florida Opera Ensemble is celebrating their 10 year anniversary by performing La Bohème.
“UNF Opera is proud to present this timeless classic as an anniversary production celebrating a decade of opera at UNF and abroad,” said Dr. Krzysztof Biernacki, associate professor of voice and director of opera at UNF. “The last 10 years have been a time of exceptional growth for this young ensemble. We take pride in the fact that the School of Music provides some of the finest undergraduate and graduate vocal training in the state.”
Performances will be on Friday and Saturday, Mar. 9 and 10, at 7:30 p.m. The last performance is on Sunday, Mar. 11 at 3 p.m. All of the performances will take place in the Andrew A. Robinson Theater in building 14A.
La Bohème, a classic composed by Giacomo Puccini, is the world’s most popular opera. Based on the episodic novel Scènes de la vie de bohème (Scenes from Bohemian Life) by Henri Murger, the opera is about two young Bohemians falling in love until one of them becomes fatally ill. The couple is unable to afford the medicine for the illness, so they decide to split ways until the very end. The opera inspired the Broadway play and movie Rent. This is the first time the Opera Ensemble has put on a full production of the opera.
General admissions is $25, but the event is free for faculty and students with their Osprey 1 Card.
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