UNF Royal Family’s first annual Charity Masquerade Ball
April 3, 2018
Video by Carly Kramer.
Music, food, and mystery. That’s what the UNF Royal Family offered at their First Annual Charity Masquerade Ball on Saturday. The event gave students a time to dress up and have fun while socializing and supporting a good cause. Each student was asked to bring a canned good for the Lend-A-Wing Pantry.
The Royal Family was formed out of a need for a social club on campus. Members of the club believed that before their club, there was no organization dedicated to hosting formal social events for students to socialize and meet new people.

From the vegan cupcakes to the mac n’ cheese, the event offered food for everyone. Each ballroom was decorated with confetti filled balloons and candles on each table. To top it off, the club created a beautiful photo drop that was placed near the entrance for students to take pictures by.
The club hopes to host more formal events like the Charity Masquerade Ball to gather students together and support local charities.
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