Swooping to the polls: Shuttles available for one day for students to vote
August 20, 2018
Correction 8/23 1:30 p.m.:The article originally referred to NextGen Florida as “NexGen UNF.” NextGen Florida is the correct name.
Although new to campus, the club NextGen Florida is making huge strides in the effort to get known on campus. For students interested in early voting, NextGen Florida will be providing a shuttle service on Tuesday, Aug. 21 from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. to the Pablo Creek Regional Library.

Pickup will take place in front of the Thomas G. Carpenter Library and shuttles will leave every 25 minutes. Shuttles will hold a total of 25 students. To get on the shuttle, students must have their voter registration card and their driver’s license. There will be music, treats and swag given away.
For those students who are not registered to vote in the primaries in November, NextGen Florida will also be helping students go through that process.
Early voting for Duval County began Aug. 13 and ends Aug. 26. Election Day is Aug. 28.
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