Police Beat: Mysterious biohazard, missing bike and unknown male

Jessica May

Graphic by Rachelle Keller

What is that…

UNFPD responded to an investigation in the Fine Arts Building’s women’s restroom on Nov. 8.

A staff member of Physical Facilities found blood in a toilet with unknown contents in it. Upon arrival, the officer met with an employee, who stated that the right stall had been reportedly blocked off for repairs for the past couple of weeks.

The employee told police that, when she went to clean the stall, the door had been reopened and appeared to be working. She told police she noticed blood in the toilet, which was not uncommon for the women’s restroom, so the employee began to clean it.

According to the employee, several of the non-flushable brown paper towels had been laid across the top of the water, concealing other contents in the toilet. As she began to remove the paper, she reportedly saw other contents that she did not recognize, so she called her supervisor and the UNFPD.

According to the police report, the officer that arrived to the scene and used a set of tongs provided by Physical Facilities to remove the content. This reportedly included feces, toilet tissue and brown paper towels.

The report states, “Nothing identifiable as human remains or unborn fetus was collected from the toilet.”

The material reportedly was taken to the universities clinic Bldg. 39A in a biohazard bag to be identified.

“Although nothing appeared to be abnormal in the contents, there was question whether a club was toilet tissue or human tissue,” the report states.

Due to the unidentifiable nature of the material, the clinic could not dispose of it. The University clinic contacted the Jacksonville Medical Examiner’s Office, who reportedly advised the clinic to complete an information report and to send them photos for documentation purposes. After that, the Examiner’s Office reportedly said it was okay to dispose of the materials.

No further investigation or processing was required.

Stolen wheels

UNFPD was dispatched in response to a possible theft of a bike in the Osprey Crossing on Nov. 13

An officer met with the student who stated his bike was stolen. The student reportedly last saw his bike when it was on the bike rack in front of Bldg. Q of the Osprey Crossings.

The student reportedly locked up his bike and, when he returned, it was missing.

The report says the student did not want to report his bike stolen because he was unsure if he had just misplaced the bike.

The officer searched the area for the bike but was unsuccessful.

Patrol efforts have been suspended.

Unknown runner

UNFPD was dispatched on Nov. 14 in regards to an incident that involved a woman and an unknown white male who approached her at the Osprey Fountains.

The complainant was reportedly parked in a 20-minute parking spot of the Fountains parking lot when an unknown white male approached her as she was getting into her car.

She described the man being approximately 18 years old, 5’5” and 160 lbs. She also reportedly described him as having a light brown hair with bowl cut styled down to his chin. She also told officials that he had brown eyes and appeared to be on drugs; that his pupils were dilated and he was extremely upset with her.

He was reportedly wearing gray cloth shorts and an orange tannish t-shirt. She described that he looked unkempt and barefoot.

The complainant told police that the man may live in The Fountains, though she stated she was unsure. She stated that he never touched her or her car, but he reportedly acted like he was taking pictures of her and started following her car on foot for a short distance.

Police surveyed the area and the man was not found.

Patrol efforts have been suspended.

For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.