2020 democratic presidential candidate: Marianne Williamson

Alex Toth

Age: 66

Experience: N/A

Fun Fact: Williamson founded Project Angel Food, a nonprofit organization that provides free meals for men and women who are too sick to cook for themselves.

Marianne Williamson, a self-help author and lecturer, began her campaign on January 28, 2019. While her political experience is limited to fourth place in a California congressional primary in 2014, that hasn’t stopped Williamson from garnering over 50,000 unique donors to her campaign thus far.

Central to Williamson’s campaign is that the United States must achieve a “spiritual awakening.” She has advocated for paying slavery reparations to black Americans, with a plan of distributing $100 billion in reparations over a 10 year span. Child advocacy is also a key tenant of Williamson’s campaign, as she has advocated for free quality prenatal care and Universal Pre-K. 


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