Florida voter registration deadline next Tuesday
February 12, 2020
Are you registered to vote in the Florida primary? The deadline to register to vote is next Tuesday, February 18.
Florida’s 2020 primary to determine the Democratic and Republican candidates is fast approaching on March 17, a month from the deadline to register. Early voting will be held between March 2 through March 15 — but you’ll only be able to vote if you’ve registered and if you’re affiliated with the party you would like to determine the candidate of.
Here’s a quick look at how you can register, who is on the ballot, and what a closed primary is.
Those needing to register or change party affiliation must do so 29 days before an election and can do so at this link or by visiting offices where driver’s licenses are issued. Potential voters may also register by mail or through a voter registration agency.
On the ballot
Despite many of the Democratic candidates having dropped, on the ballot for the Democrats is: Michael Bennet, Joe Biden, Michael R. Bloomberg, Cory Booker, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, John Delaney, Tulsi Gabbard, Amy Klobuchar, Deval Patrick, Bernie Sanders, Joe Sestak, Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren, Marianne Williamson, and Andrew Yang.
On the ballot for the Republicans is: Roque “Rocky” De La Fuente, Joe Walsh, Bill Weld, and the incumbent President Donald J. Trump.
More information and sample ballots for both parties can be found at this link.
Potential voters don’t have to wait for March 17 — early voting will be held from March 2 to March 15, at which time early voting stations will be open. You can find a station near you here.
Closed Primary State
Florida is a closed primary, meaning that only those registered as Democrats can vote for the Democratic nominee of their choosing and only those registered as Republicans can vote for the Republican nominee of their choosing. Those registered as Non-Party-Affiliated (NPA) can’t vote for either unless they change their party affiliation at least 29 days before the election. A party change can be made at this link or by visiting the DMV.
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