Florida Polytechnic University set to be absorbed by UF
February 25, 2020
A controversial Florida bill looks to merge Florida Polytechnic University (FPU) and New College of Florida into University of Florida, according to reporting by Florida Politics.
Polytechnic and New College are the youngest members of the state university system.
"Fine’s plan…is short-sighted, misguided and one-sided. Florida Poly makes a convincing case for its independence. We hope a majority of lawmakers, aided by Polk’s delegation, will listen and agree." #SupportFLPoly https://t.co/q2O1nXEddh pic.twitter.com/YEmOMtqNMb
— Florida Polytechnic University (@FLPolyU) February 16, 2020
According to the bill, beginning July 1, 2020, FPU and UF will submit an application for merger, and, if approved, FPU will transfer all assets to UF.

Among the assets being transferred is the Florida Industrial and Phosphate Research Institute, which is a research institution within FPU that researches phosphate-related energy as well as mining and minerals.
Response to the bill has been mixed, with some supporters believing the merger should have happened many years ago and even some watchdog organizations like Florida TaxWatch speaking out against the consolidation effort.
A statement from Florida TaxWatch President and CEO, Dominic Calabro, regarding the House Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee’s proposal to merge Florida Polytechnic University with the University of Florida and merge New College of Florida with Florida State University: pic.twitter.com/CoqIaNu84m
— Florida TaxWatch (@FloridaTaxWatch) February 12, 2020
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