Spinnaker celebrates our Hispanic staff

Mariana Mejia – Feature Reporter


  Senior majoring in communications and minoring in political science


  “I’m a Colombian American born in the U.S. to Colombian parents. I’m Catholic and proud of my Colombian heritage and what it has to offer; it begins with my family’s unconditional love for one another. It’s also in a diversity where I can with other Hispanics in my everyday life. It’s also about how I’m able to get involved and learn about my culture’s history and get inclined into my family tree (roots). It’s also the Colombia food, the music that is used to dance, and all the small details that make me a proud Colombian-American.”







Heydi Ortiz – Editor in Chief

Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico. 

Junior majoring in communications with a concentration in multimedia journalism and minoring in digital marketing and creative writing


  “I am proud of being Hispanic because I get to live the best of both worlds. I get to acknowledge that I am American, but I also get to celebrate two different Hispanic cultures. Being Hispanic is something I would never change about myself, and I am so proud to be a part of something great.”








Alondhra “Aloe” Suarez – Feature Reporter

Puerto Rico

Senior majoring in communications with a concentration in multimedia journalism


“Yo soy Boricua! I take pride in carrying my name and the Taino features of my skin, hair, and nose. Though my people have endured much these last several years,  I believe Puerto Rico will continue to thrive in adversity. I strive to continue to carry the traditions of our food, dance, language, and hospitality.”