Best pieces of Talon Review
March 16, 2021
Brought to you by people who want to write new works during a time where human connection is difficult, the Talon Review has made some wonderful pieces of literature in the past few years.
I’m here to raise awareness and point out what I consider my favorite pieces in the Talon Review. Some of these pieces have been brought to us by UNF’s brightest students.

Fine Diners by Yash Seyedbagheri
This piece is simple, but effective, in how it establishes the conflict with only a few lines.
Hide and Seek by Ernest Egher
The author expertly takes a simple idea and has it relate to the narrator’s struggles as he goes through traumatic experiences in his life.
Living in the Ruins by April Gray Wilder
Its descriptive language enhances the story in a way that sticks with the viewer after reading it.
Sandpile Kids by Logan Monds
This story has a “Stand By Me” type about two boys who are dealing with abusive fathers while losing their favorite exploring areas to construction. The narrative has a laid-back, but also somber feel that any reader can identify with.
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