Apex Legends’ in game event War Games is live
April 14, 2021
Apex Legends’ new War Games event is now live! The event will consist of five different takeovers and last until April 27. A free battle pass has been added for players to earn rewards and complete challenges.
All modes will end and begin during mornings, Pacific Time. The takeover schedule is as follows:
- Second Chance: Tuesday, 4/13 — Thursday, 4/15
- Ultra Zones: Thursday, 4/15 — Monday 4/19
- Auto Banners: Monday, 4/19 — Wednesday, 4/21
- Killing Time: Wednesday, 4/21 — Friday, 4/23
- Armor Regen: Friday, 4/23 — Tuesday, 4/27

Second Chance
This mode will allow players one free respawn each match. Once the player is eliminated, they will keep all their items. After 15 seconds, they will respawn above their death and skydive back down.
Ultra Zones
Multiple Hot Zones will now spawn within the map, meaning more epic and gold loot will be in the game. Each Hot Zone will be covered in a Flash Point. These are large bubbles that replenish player HP and shields when stood in.
Auto Banners
Simpler than previous modes, this event will slightly alter the death box mechanic. Player’s Squadmate Banner Cards are automatically retrieved, eliminating the sometimes difficult task of looting their death box. Mobile Respawn Beacons will be more plentiful during this mode.
Killing Time
Players will feel the pressure of time during this mode. As legends fall, the match speeds up. This means whenever a Legend dies, round time is reduced.
Armor Regen
The War Games takeover will finish with a mode where players’ armor regenerates. When taking damage, following an eight-second delay, armor will begin regenerating at the rate of 12 points a second. If the player’s armor is cracked, the delay is increased to 16 seconds. Shield Cells will be removed from the loot pool for this mode.

The War Games battle pass consists of a free rewards track just like past events. Four new badges are also available for completion during the event.
Players are able to earn up to 1,000 points a day with challenges refreshing each day. The pass includes a Crypto skin, Rampart skin, 30-30 Repeater skin, five Battle Pass levels, and more!
For players looking to spend a little more on the game, new skins are now available in the shop. Pathfinder, Bloodhound, Wraith, Lifeline, Gibby, and Mirage are sporting re-imagined takes on some of their classic looks.

Mad Maggie is back as the announcer for the War Games event. She’s taken over the games in an attempt to kill all of the legends. Will you survive Maggie’s wrath?
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