‘Loki’ episode three review
June 28, 2021
After last week’s big reveal, we’re finally halfway through the series as Loki finds himself in an unlikely partnership with his female doppelgänger. However, the story takes a break from the time aspect of the T.V.A. and instead focuses on the development between the two main leads.

After Loki finds the variant (known as Sylvie) trying to break into the T.V.A. headquarters, he uses his Tempad to transport them to a random location in time. This place just so happens to be the 2077 Lamentis-1, a moon that’s about to be crushed by a planet leaving no survivors. Both are unable to escape due to the Tempad running out of power, forcing Loki and Sylvie to find any means to escape the doomed world before they’re obliterated.
To put things plainly, this episode slows down the show’s pace after previous events in the story. Instead of the time travel detective tone of the last two episodes, this one plays more like a survival thriller centered on an alliance of convenience between Loki and Sylvie. To a lot of people, this may seem like a downgrade as it steps away from the larger narrative they wanted to see. Though I can understand the choice as this creates the opportunity to add more characterization.
One of the biggest standouts here is Di Martino as Sylvie. They immediately establish her as a unique powerset in the episode’s opening scene where she mentally manipulates one of the minutemen. What she wants with the T.V.A. is anybody’s guess, but from what we’ve seen her do in the last episode it’s guaranteed to be something big. While they make it clear that while she’s an alternate version of Loki, they still keep it vague what exactly happened to her and what her goals are.

Another major difference is that these two characters are the only ones to have prominent roles. That may feel like a downgrade, but thankfully there’s chemistry between Tom Hiddleston and Sophia Di Martino. When both come across each other, they naturally don’t get along and constantly try to get the better of one another. They use shapeshifting, mind games, daggers that appear out of nowhere, the typical Loki shtick. Though their feud is put on pause when the moon they’re standing on is about to be destroyed. In my opinion, the episode is in its prime whenever they’re on screen, which is most of the episode. Seeing these two navigate the worst apocalypse imaginable makes for a lot of great interactions. While they do have their differences, you can’t help but see the similarities between the two. They’re both self-serving but are willing to put aside their differences. When their plans blow up in their face, they look to see if there are any other alternatives. It’s apparent that the writers were having a fun time with these two characters when putting together this episode.
The world of Lamentis isn’t that unique or different from all the other locations we’ve seen in this universe. It’s mostly shown as a futuristic colony with shades of purple all over.

You can easily see this type of setting in films like “Guardians of the Galaxy.” Though I thought the location was used well in context with the episode. I like the concept of a doomsday being caused by a collision with a planet. It creates a sense of danger when you see the characters looking for an escape while large asteroids keep falling from the sky.
The location also has this element of social unrest, with how the rich minority gets to escape the moon early on a ship called the “Ark” as the mass populace is forced to wait. While that does exist here, they thankfully don’t put too much focus on it as it should be used for the main leads. It’s just something that appears in the background that makes the setting feel more real and adds weight to the destruction that’s about to happen.

One of the biggest standout moments comes when Loki and Sylvie board the train to the Ark. This allows both characters to take some downtime as they learn more about one another. Particularly with Loki who talks fondly about his childhood on Asgard. I give this series props for creating natural situations where the characters can express themselves in ways they normally wouldn’t. Even though he’s seen as an anti-villain, you can’t help but feel for him when he talks about his relationship with his mother Frigga and how that started his love of magic. I’m not going to lie, I do wish we learned a bit more about Sylvie’s background. Although we get hints of her past, I don’t feel enough was shown to get an idea about her character. However, there are three episodes left so hopefully we’ll see more of her story down the road.
The scene then moves on to Loki getting drunk and singing in Asgardian. The writers must have had a field day writing this scene as we get to see Hiddleston act out in ways we don’t normally see him. He even does Thor’s “Another!” line from the first Thor film. I don’t know about you guys but after watching Zemo’s bar dance scene in “The Falcon and the Winter Soldier,” it makes me want to see other characters get a scene like this in the future. Loki’s antics eventually get him and Sylvie discovered as they are forced off the train, breaking the Tempad in the process.

All hope seems lost until Loki brings up the idea of boarding the Ark to escape Lemantis. With no other options and the ship about to leave, they make their way on foot to the launch site. It is here that Sylvie reveals that the Time agents at the T.V.A. weren’t created by the Time Keepers, but in reality, are variants from different timelines. This information raises more questions about the T.V.A., and if the Time Keepers are who they say they are. Whether they are actual space gods or just men behind the curtain remains in the air. But with that idea in mind, it’s something that’s going to be addressed later in the series.
The episode ends with Loki and Sylvie making their way to the launch site where the Ark is about to leave. The showrunners went out of their way in making this scene intense and believable as the characters try to escape. The cinematography is also at its peak here as the climax is shown in an incredible one-shot scene. This isn’t easy to pull off as the people involved have to keep the camera rolling for several minutes, while still keeping the story and action exciting. In one shot they show Loki and Sylvie fight off guards, run through crumbling streets, and pass by doomed civilians who are trying to stay alive during the crisis. It’s those details that really add weight to the scene.
However, the episode pulls the rug from under the characters as the Ark is destroyed, leaving Loki and Sylvie stranded in the doomed world. Like many of you, I’m aware that the story isn’t going to end here. That goes without saying as we’re halfway through the series, and it seems unlikely that they’ll kill off Loki after he’s come back numerous times in the past. Despite having no Tempad or escape vessel, both characters will surely find a way to escape.
The episode does feel like the weakest so far. Though considering it’s coming off the heels of the previous two, on its own it still stands as a good entry. The unlikely partnership between Loki and Sylvie was a lot of fun. The concept lived up to its promise. I also have to respect the writers for taking a chance and changing up the story to add more character. But that’s my opinion, so watch it for yourself and see if this one is a good viewing or an imaginary dagger.
Rating: 4.5 / 5 Spinnaker Sails.
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