UNF Library introduces ‘Stress Management’ online resource display
December 1, 2021
A student’s best friend, the University of North Florida Thomas G. Carpenter Library has curated an online book display that features a variety of books, tips, and tricks for stress management. With finals week just around the corner, the Carpenter Library is encouraging students to use these resources to destress.
Below are just a few of the e-books the library has available on display.
Little Ways to Keep Calm and Carry On
Author: Mark A. Reinecke

Awarded ‘The Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies Self-Help Seal of Merit,’ this book spotlights 20 stress-reducing techniques.
“Keep calm and carry on has become the mantra of millions—but exactly how to keep calm remains a difficult question for most of us. The next time you are stressed by pressures at work, overwhelmed by life’s challenges, or panicked by problems that seem unsolvable, reach for this book,” reads the book’s description.
Professor Emeritus at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine, Reinecke has authored or edited 11 books on the treatment of anxiety, depression, and suicide, according to his website.
Recover From Burnout: Life Lessons to Regain Your Passion and Purpose
Author: Judy Klipin

An ever-present threat, burnout affects college students across the nation every day. Author Judy Klipin discusses burnout in South Africa, one of the most stressed nations in the world, to help readers understand what burnout is, and how to recover from it.
“Burnout is not only restricted to high-flying business executives, it can affect anyone. Burnout is not one thing, it is also a feeling of listlessness and ineptitude, a lack of enthusiasm and excitement, an existential emergency,” reads the book’s description.
According to her website, “Klipin is a Master Coach, facilitator, and trainer based in Johannesburg, South Africa.” She has a Bachelor of Arts (BA) and a Higher Diploma in Education (HDipEd) from the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa, as well as a Masters in Science (MSc) in Social Sciences from the University of Leicester located in the United Kingdom.
Worried Sick: How Stress Hurts Us and How to Bounce Back
Author: Deborah Carr

School is stressful. It is no secret that stress affects both our emotional and physical health. Whether it comes from a difficult exam or being swamped with assignments, students are no stranger to stress. Worried Sick delves into how stress can have physical detrimental effects, various methods of dealing with it, and includes stress and coping checklists for readers.
“To readers interested in the broad range of chronic, acute, and daily life stressors facing Americans in the twenty-first century, as well as those with interest in the many ways that our physical and emotional health is shaped by our experiences, this brief book will be an immediate and quick look at these significant issues.” reads the book’s about section.
Author Deborah Carr is a Sociology Professor at Boston University and the recent inaugural director of the University’s Center for Innovation in Social Science, which began this Fall. She focuses research on a variety of topics, including but not limited to aging, end-of-life decision-making with older adults, and social consequences of disability and obesity, according to her website.
Of course, books are not the only resource that the Carpenter Library has available for students. Also on display are countless videos and free guides for access. Students are encouraged to email suggestions or recommendations to m.atilano@unf.edu.
“Give your mind and body the self-care you need to succeed. Best wishes for a wonderful end to the semester, Ospreys!” encourages the display. Visit the full display here.
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