UNF to host part-time job fair this Tuesday
August 22, 2022
The University of North Florida’s (UNF) Part-Time Job Fair will be this Tuesday, Aug. 23, according to an email from the UNF Career Services.
The first day of the fall 2022 semester is the Monday beforehand, so many students will be moved in and adjusting to college life. Part-time jobs are a great way to start saving money while enrolled in the vigorous tradition that can be college education.
At the John A. Delaney Student Union, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. employers will have tables set up, hoping to recruit students looking for jobs. According to the email, 48 employers will be present, so this would be a great opportunity for students to obtain a stable job.

Important things to note is that most of these employers will likely be off-campus, so if you don’t have reliable transportation but still want a part-time job, looking for one on-campus would be better.
The email strongly encourages students to bring resumes. Since the fair is outside, no business wear is required.
Career Services offer much more beyond this fair. They can help you prepare for interviews, apply for jobs, and various other resources. More information regarding the Job Fair and other opportunities offered by Career Services can be found here.
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