On Monday night, Matthew Rojansky, a U.S.-Russia relations analyst, spoke at the University of North Florida about national security, Ukraine and Russia.
Rojansky is president and CEO of the U.S. Russia Foundation and director of the Kennan Institute. According to the World Affairs Council’s website, Rojansky is among the most notable experts in U.S.-Russian history and politics.
At the lecture, Rojansky discussed Russia’s history, Vladimir Putin’s rise and the effects of potential war in Europe.
“I think if we don’t take seriously the need for attention, resources, diplomacy, and strength in response to this current crisis, we will see a repetition of this crisis,” he said.
Rojansky’s lecture was part of UNF’s Distinguished Voices series, hosted in partnership with the World Affairs Council of Jacksonville. Lectures occur three to four times per semester and are free for UNF students and faculty to attend.
After outlining Russian foreign relations and European impacts, Rojansky touched on initiatives U.S. citizens could take to support displaced Ukrainian communities and individuals who have taken refuge in the United States.
“Be informed. Be an active citizen. Be welcoming and open-minded, tolerant towards people that are coming from [Ukraine]. Whoever they are, show how our democracy works,” he said.
UNF political science professor Dr. Pamela Zeiser attends most of these events and feels the lectures are a fantastic resource for students and faculty.
“Global Issues Evenings are incredibly valuable for UNF students because they give students the opportunity to learn from world-class political analysts and politicians, historians, scientists and journalists. For faculty like me, it is an opportunity for professional development because we also learn from the speakers and can bring what we learn into our classrooms.”
UNF will host its next Distinguished Voices lecture on April 9 at 7:00 p.m. at the Adam W. Herbert University Center, where Ernesto Zedillo, former president of Mexico, will speak on Latin American and Mexican relations.
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