When most people talk about the free press, they often think of organizations like the New York Times or the Washington Post, but Spinnaker and other student-run publications are also included in those ranks.
Student-run publications are necessary both as a means for students to showcase our work and as a learning environment where we can continue to grow and evolve throughout our academic careers.
When I signed up to volunteer at Spinnaker, I wasn’t even 18 years old yet; my mom had to sign my forms. I had nothing on my resume and had never written an article in my life. Though I was still undecided on my major, I knew I liked writing.
With the help of so many other talented students at Spinnaker, it quickly became my passion, and after six months, I became the editor-in-chief.
I’m sure nearly every student at Spinnaker could share a similar story with you. With an always-growing team of over 30 student staff, interns and volunteers, we provide a space for anyone interested to build their skills and portfolio. Whether a student is curious about print, broadcast, radio or all of the above, I truly believe there is no better way to get started in a career in the media.

Spinnaker is entirely student-run, between our website, magazines, social media and radio station. Students can ask for help if we need it, but at the end of the day, we make the calls.
It’s our job to tell the stories of UNF students, faculty, staff and alumni when no one else will. This allows us to not just learn from others but pioneer and innovate, contributing fresh perspectives.
But why am I telling you all this?
To put it frankly, being a student journalist is hard. We work tirelessly like any other reporter, dealing with budget constraints, chasing down sources and writing between classes, all while juggling a full course load.
Today is Giving Day, a day when members of the UNF community can come together and donate to various university departments and organizations.
When you donate to the Spinnaker Media Fund, you are donating to the future of journalism in your community. This money will be used on anything from equipment to experiences that prepare the next generation of great reporters for the rest of their careers.
We will remain a free publication, but any donation (or just sharing this page with others) makes a difference and is greatly appreciated by the entire Spinnaker team.