Registration for summer and fall classes at UNF began at 7 a.m. on Monday, and time tickets and course schedules were released on April 5 for students to begin planning.
Senior Director of Student Success Initiatives Kellie Woodle said students should have a backup plan in case their first choices are unavailable and ensure they have taken all necessary course prerequisites. If students took a prerequisite at another school, confirm that UNF has received the transcript and accepted the transfer credit.
Woodle also recommended using the course plan feature in the MyWings registration portal. Instead of manually selecting each course, students can plan them ahead of time and register for them all at once during their time ticket.

Some students have reported issues with the system crashing or lagging. Woodle suggests clearing browser history or using a different browser. Students should only try to register on one device to avoid any issues.
However, if students receive an error message for a specific course, it may be because of a restriction. Woodle said students should make an appointment with their advisor if they encounter this. Depending on the restriction, advisors may be able to override it.
Woodle said students should know that an advisor cannot override every restriction. For example, certain sections of General Biology I are only open to Freshman Admit Nursing students, and some Elementary Statistics sections are specifically for business majors.
If this is the case, Woodle recommends meeting with an advisor to find another section of the course to register for.
“Our advising community … will try in every way to assist students in getting registered for the right classes to keep moving towards a timely graduation,” she said.
Students like sophomore Ariel Ampley have been waiting anxiously for their allotted registration time so they can navigate their schedules for the coming semesters.
“I’m worried I’m not going to get the classes I want,” Ampley said.
Others are experts, like senior Kaylie Phillips, who offered advice for students preparing for this registration week.
“Go in with a plan, do your own research … I would recommend planning out all your classes until graduation and then have a backup plan for those classes,” said Phillips.
According to an email from the College of Arts and Sciences advising team, COAS advising will not offer walk-in hours during registration week. Appointments for this month were shortened to 20-minute time slots so the office can accommodate more students.
COAS reminded students to schedule any appointments as soon as possible.
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