Dr. Michael Hallett plans to step into a full-time professor position to focus on projects.
The College of Arts and Sciences at UNF has begun the search for a new chairperson for the Department of Criminology and Criminal Justice.
Dr. Michael Hallett, the current chairman, said he is staying at UNF as a full-time professor.
Dr. Barbara Hetrick, the COAS dean, said the process of finding his replacement will most likely take two semesters. Hetrick said she hopes to have found the next chairperson by June 2013.
Hetrick said she is looking for a candidate who can build off of the momentum that Hallett created and advance the program even farther.
The search for Hallett’s replacement will be challenging because of the investment he made on behalf of his students, she said.
Hetrick said the number of students majoring in criminology and criminal justice rose from 320 to 476 during Hallett’s time as chairman.
She said the position of chairperson is demanding and takes away from the professor’s ability to conduct research.
Hallett said his position has caused him to make sacrifices. He said he plans to continue working on multiple projects, including two books.
The first book is titled “Re-entry to What? Prisoner Re-entry in the Age of Uncertainty,” which explores the social and employment challenges faced by released prisoners.
He said he has yet to settle on a title for the second book, but the book focuses on the prayer life of prisoners while they are in prison.
Hallett, who has published three books, said he has not released a book since 2006, so he is looking forward to the opportunity to publish more.
Hallett has served as chairman since 2004.
Email Gordon Rhyne at reporter7@unfspinnaker.com.