Feb. 22 (Osprey Fountains)
UPD officers issued two young women a Notice To Appear late Saturday night after finding marijuana and paraphernalia in their possession.
The officers responded when a RA reported that she smelled burning marijuana coming from one of the suites*.
A third resident opened the door and granted the officers permission to enter the suite.
The odor was stronger inside the common area of the dorm, and the officers proceeded to knock on the doors of the two suspects.
Both granted the officers permission to search their rooms.
Officers found marijuana and paraphernalia in both rooms, and charged the girls with possession on both accounts. The third roommate was not charged.
Feb. 24 (Lot 2)
[nicevideo link= “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5b9kDSgaZg”]
The Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department transported a man to the Mayo Clinic Monday night at 10:15, according to UNFPD.
The arriving officer found the complainant, who identified himself as homeless, at the JTA bus stop near the library.
The man said that his whole body hurt, that he could barely walk and that he was having trouble breathing.
He is neither a student nor a faculty member of UNF.
* 2/27/2014 – Correction made at 11: 46 a.m. to clarify location.
Email Alex Wilson at reporter15@unfspinnaker.com