Sculpture students created a giant goldfish named Colonel Crackers on commission. This morning, they moved the Colonel to Hemming Plaza, where she will be on display for One Spark.
Wayne Wood, a Jacksonville historian and creator at One Spark, commissioned the piece.
Dr. Jenny Hager, a sculpture professor at UNF, said the goldfish is a girl named Goldie, but her official name is Colonel Crackers.

“We thought Colonel Crackers was a good sister name,” said Hager, referring to Sgt. Quackers, the giant yellow duck in the pond by the library.
Colonel Crackers was an out-of-class project specifically for One Spark said Nick Dunlop, a senior sculpture major.
“Sgt. Quackers was good practice. It was a lot easier this time around,” said Dunlop.
Wood now owns the piece and will be taking it around Jacksonville to different festivals, Hager said.
“She’ll become part of the Jacksonville scene,” said Hager.
Wood said he is proud that UNF students play a role in making One Spark such a colorful celebration.
Sgt. Quackers will remain at UNF.
Email Saphara Harrell at reporter30@unfspinnaker.com