Two suspects fled the scene of an investigation by jumping out of a second story window, according to a resident assistant (RA).
According to UNFPD reports, an officer was dispatched to the Cove at 2:22 a.m. on April 13 because of an intoxicated girl and possible drug investigation.
The girl, not a UNF student, was intoxicated and vomiting outside of a room in the Cove. UNFPD contacted her father, and she was released to him.
At 2:30 a.m. the officer contacted the occupant of the room and asked to enter. Upon entering, the officer smelled marijuana and alcohol.
When he asked the suspect if there were any drugs or alcohol in the room, the suspect said there was only alcohol.
The officer gave the suspect a chance to ask his friends if they had any drugs, and one of them pulled a small bag of marijuana out of his backpack.
The suspect told his friend that UNFPD could freely search his bag now because he had pulled out an illegal item, and the friend pulled out a pipe with marijuana residue.
The RA told the officer three students had fled the scene before he arrived. One suspect was identified and referred to Student Conduct with the five who didn’t flee. The two suspects that jumped out the window are unknown.
UNFPD searched the area for the suspects who fled before the officer arrived, but they were unable to find them.
UNFPD knows the identity of one of the suspects and will attempt further contact.
Email Saphara Harrell at reporter30@unfspinnaker.com