The following information is according to reports from the UNF Police Department.

Passed out drunk while still in drive
A student was passed out drunk in his car, in drive and with the engine running, on Nov. 14. His foot was on the brake, keeping his car from moving.
His car was parked in the middle of Lot 11 at 11:59 p.m.
Responding to a call, a UNFPD officer arrived and positioned his car in front of the student’s car in case the student’s foot came off the brake.
According to the report, the officer knocked on the driver’s side window loudly for five minutes before the student woke up.
The student swayed side to side and said he was fine when asked. The report said his speech was slurred and his eyes were glassy and bloodshot.
He told the officer he had come from Taverna Yamas, where he had two Mythos beers and a whiskey and Coke. His breath alcohol level was .162.
The student said the last time he ate was on Nov. 13. He refused to participate in a field sobriety test, but allowed the officer to measure his breath alcohol level.
The suspect was arrested for DUI.
While the officer was inventorying the car, he found a gram of marijuana and a glass pipe. The student was charged with possession of under 20 grams of marijuana.
He was transported to the Jacksonville Pre-Trial Detention Facility.
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