The following information is according to reports from the UNF Police Department.
Student reports stolen wallet
An officer was dispatched to the library on April 3 at 3:48 p.m. in response to the theft of a wallet.
Worried about several unauthorized charges to his credit card, the victim explained to the officer that he had left class at 7:30 p.m. on April 2, but he couldn’t find his wallet. The victim thought he left his wallet in the Chick-Fil-A bathroom around 6 p.m., but he checked, and it wasn’t there.
The victim also checked the rest of Chick-Fil-A, his dorm and building 45 where he had class. He told the officer he cancelled his credit card, but the credit company said someone had made two purchases on the credit card for $3.20 and $8.30.
The case has not been cleared, as there will be a patrol follow-up.
46-year-old receives CPR on campus, dies in hospital
A 46-year-old man received CPR on the sidewalk at UNF near building 45 and died less than an hour later in the hospital the morning of April 4.
At 9:53 a.m., an officer was sent to building 45 in reference to a one down/sick call. When the officer arrived, he saw the victim on the sidewalk. An unidentified white male was performing CPR on the man.
A white female who identified herself as a registered nurse then took over compressions. A UNFPD sergeant then arrived and administered an automated external defibrillator (AED).
Fire Rescue Engine 150 and Rescue 50 arrived and took over CPR. Rescue 50 then transported the man to St. Vincent’s South.
A doctor at St. Vincent’s South pronounced the man deceased at 10:41 a.m.

Photo by Patrick Lloyd
Student leaves skateboard unlocked, reports it stolen
A UNF student notified UNFPD her skateboard was stolen on April 2.
The student said she left her skateboard in the board rack outside the Osprey Clubhouse around 2 a.m. About an hour later, she returned, and the board was gone. She said she didn’t lock her skateboard, because she only planned on being in the Clubhouse game room for a short time.
Due to the lack of suspect information, UNFPD has suspended patrol efforts.
Skateboard stolen, victim sees it five days later
A student reported to UNFPD that he left his skateboard on a campus shuttle April 2, and saw somebody with a board he thought was his April 7.
The victim said he checked with the shuttle bus driver, but the board was not on the shuttle. On April 7, he saw somebody next to Lot 14 carrying a skateboard that matched the description of his. He couldn’t tell who the person carrying the board was.
He contacted Lost and Found, but his board had not been turned in. An officer patrolled Lot 14 and the trail that leads to campus but couldn’t find the board.
For more information or news tips, contact policereporter@unfspinnaker.com; if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact news@unfspinnaker.com.