Photo courtesy UNF website
UNF President John Delaney announced this morning that Dr. Earle Traynham is being appointed as UNF’s provost and vice president of academic affairs.
In an email, Delaney said Traynham understood the importance of the global economy and worked diligently to internationalize the College.
Traynham has held several positions at UNF, including department chair of economics and as executive director of the Duval County Research and Development Authority.
Traynham already held the provost position temporarily since May 2013 and through an extension to the provost search.
Delaney also thanked the search committee in his email, as it provided Delaney with the list of candidates.
Delaney said he and the committee chair, Dr. Tom Serwatka, used input from the community and references to make Delaney’s final decision on the new provost.
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