People of UNF is a chronicle of students, faculty, university staff and visitors. Here’s a closer look at those we see walking by us everyday, those we overlook and those we sometimes wish we knew better.
Photos and interviews conducted by Michael Herrera

“Earlier today I saw an armadillo next to Building Eight and it was pretty cute!”

“I was at a funeral the other day, it was like two weeks ago. I was helping people with the door and all that. You know most people say ‘thank you’ or ‘have a good day,’ and everything, but this one older gentleman, probably in his 70s to 75 area, when I opened the door and he walked out. What struck me was, he didn’t say ‘have a good day’ or anything like that or ‘have a good weekend,’ he said ‘Have a good life,’ and that just kinda hit me. Nobody says that, but that’s probably the best thing you could wish somebody. It was short but it really impacted me.”

“My sister went to FSU and had a bad experience there and [my dad] wanted to get me into a smaller school. I went [Stanford], and it was just bad. I didn’t like it. It was tiny, not much to do there, so I was like ‘I’m going to get out of here.’ I said, ‘Where to go?’, so I transferred to UNF, but first I applied to FSU and UF, and I didn’t get in there probably from the Stanford GPA was hard on me. So I got into [UNF] and I realized this place was just awesome. I love it.”

“I’m trying to start a jewelry business. I’ve been making [jewelry] since I was 12. And someone just told me to start selling it one day. I’m trying to get there. Honestly, I just don’t have a nice camera to take the pictures of stuff. I have an Etsy, nothings up on it yet though because I need to make the listings. I have an Instagram. The Instagram name is basilandcatnip; that’s the name of my business.”

“I passed an accounting test.”
Do you enjoy accounting?
“Yeah kinda, I didn’t do so well on the first one. But then I studied all this stuff and got a better grade.”
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