Caleb Grantham, a sophomore, has been involved with SG as a senator, Senate President Pro-Tempore, Chief of Staff and Vice President. Now, he’s going to be the next President. Since there was no election this year, Spinnaker reached out to Grantham to see if he had anything to tell students. Here’s what he has to say:
Dear Classmates,
While the Presidential Election on the national scale is just kicking off, here on campus things are now coming to a close. With only one candidate for the office of Student Government President, students will not have the opportunity to formally elect an officeholder this semester.
As the student who will assume this office by acclamation, I can understand the discontent with this outcome. I do not, however, believe that students are losing their voice in the direction or leadership of the organization.
As an engineering major, I came to UNF two years ago determined to make an impact. I am honored to have the opportunity to assume this position on behalf of our student body, and I am determined to give every student across our university the opportunity to voice their concerns and engage in productive discussions about the future of our school. Additionally, I look forward to the personal benefit of listening to the voice of the student body and continuing to educate myself on your individual concerns.
Because there will not be a major election this year, I plan on spending my time ensuring the members of your next executive branch are the most qualified and driven candidates for the position. Executive branch members will also have the opportunity to participate in an actual transition period and learn the role from those they are to replace. This is an opportunity that members of the current administration did not have, considering that by the time new branch members came in, the old ones were already out of office. Having a driven and educated executive branch will in turn further benefit the students.
I understand and share the concern over the lack of student voice or involvement in our organization, and I plan to make it one of my greatest focal priorities. I plan to strengthen the foundation that the current administration has laid with their efforts to gather and act on the opinion of the student body. I plan to accomplish this through implementing a system for consistent and constructive student feedback.
Currently, the administration is working to establish a student government app for smart phones. I plan to expand this app so that in addition to students receiving information from the organization, students can provide input.
Another common practice utilized by the current administration is Town Halls. These events allow students the opportunity to provide general feedback without being subject to predetermined topics of conversation. I would like to see an increase in the frequency of these events throughout the semester that will increase the line of communication between the student body and Student Government.
As your SG President this year, I will make only one promise to you. Not that I will bring a new restaurant to campus, or expand the parking garage. Instead, I promise simply to fight tirelessly to represent your best interests in everything that I do. I can make you that promise because I am a student first, just like you. I care about our university and our people more than anything else. Although you may not know me very well yet, over the next year I hope to meet you, share your hopes and concerns, and represent you to the best of my ability.
Caleb Grantham
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