Missing Mac
A Macbook laptop and iPod were stolen from The Flats at UNF on Aug. 6. According to the report, the victim left the laptop and iPod on his bed prior to leaving the apartment to attend his graduation ceremony.
The report states that he does not remember if he secured his apartment, and the items were missing when he returned.
The victim has one roommate who, according to the report, spent the night at his girlfriend’s apartment the night before the items were stolen and never returned to his apartment.
The roommate said he spent the morning at Panera Bread with her and did not return to The Flats until 1 p.m. He noticed the UNF maintenance staff in the area of his apartment at 2 p.m., according to the report.
The report states that no attempts to obtain fingerprints were made, and it appears all the suspect touched was the items that were taken.
The case has not been closed, but patrol efforts have been suspended due to lack of suspect information.
Losing Time
UNFPD was dispatched to the UNF Flats in response to a burglary on Aug. 6. According to the report, the victim woke up that morning, went to put on his Michael Kors watch and found it missing from its box.
The victim stated that the watch was in the box when he left the apartment on Thursday Aug. 4. He had spent the night away and found the apartment secured when he returned Friday Aug. 5, the report states.
According to the report, there were no signs of forced entry and the suspect gained entry through unknown means. UNFPD was unable to process the box due to the fact that the victim had opened it searching for the watch.
The report states that the Residence Life Coordinator and maintenance personnel are working on providing a key audit, but were unable to do so at the time of the report.
No additional information could be provided by surveillance video and patrol efforts are suspended due to lack of suspect information.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.