Party off the stress and excitement of a new semester with concerts, original films, animals and free food.
Thursday, August 18 — Sundressed, Northbound, Divorce Culture & more
What: Arizona’s emo punk band Sundressed is now on tour with Florida’s Northbound for a week of back-to-back concerts in the South. Divorce Culture and The Year I Disappear will join them at The Birdhouse to rock out. Tickets are $8 here or $12 at the door.
When: 6 p.m.
Where: The Birdhouse
Thursday, August 18 — Swim Shorts Film Festival and Happy Hour
What: Checkout locally produced films of Northeast Florida’s waterways at this fundraising film festival. Tickets are $9.50 here and Sunray Cinema will donate all proceeds to the St. Johns Riverkeeper, a conservation organization.
When: 7-9 p.m.
Where: Sunray Cinema
Friday, August 19 — Week of Welcome Party on the Green
What: Stroll on over to UNF’s Green, the big grassy area in front of the Lazzara, to kick off the new semester. Aside from meeting other awesome Ospreys, students can chow down on free food from our favorite summer food trucks. If grilled cheese and popsicles aren’t enough to relax your mind, dance to the live music or start a game of ultimate frisbee.
When: 8-10 p.m.
Where: The Green
Saturday, August 20 and Sunday, August 21 — Dog and Cat Days of Summer
What: The Jacksonville Humane Society, Petsmart and ACPS Kitten Army got together to help neglected animals become cared-for pets. You can adopt a furry friend for just $20, just make sure you get the okay from Housing and Residence before making your dorm your pet’s new home.
When: 9 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Where: Jacksonville Humane Society and Petsmart on Southside Boulevard
Saturday, August 20 to Sunday August 21 — Summer Time in the City 2016
What: This annual hip hop festival is back for another evening of rap battles, video game tournaments and graffiti walls. Tickets are $10 here.
When: 12 p.m. – 2 a.m.
Where: 1904 Music Hall
Saturday, August 20 — Rally against Rape Culture
What: Christina Kittle, known as Nihilist Ned on Facebook, is leading a rally this weekend in response to what she and many others believe was a light sentencing for Austin Wilkerson and Brock Turner. These cases involve college students who were convicted of sexually assaulting women, but neither received prison time for their actions.
When: 12-2 p.m.
Where: Memorial Park
Saturday, August 20 —Week of Welcome Comedy Night Double Feature
What: Laugh off your move-in stress with standup comedians Jourdain Fisher and Pete Lee. Admission is free, but students should bring their Osprey 1 Card to get in the doors.
When: 8 p.m.
Where: Lazzara
Sunday, August 21 — Welcome to College Luau
What: Make your way to the Student Union for Campus Life’s annual luau complete with live music, grass skirts, free food and many giveaways from UNF’s various clubs and organizations. Entrance is free for all active students.
When: 5 p.m.
Where: Osprey Plaza
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