Police are searching for missing 20-year-old UNF student George Louissaint Jr., according to a campus alert sent out Feb. 12 just before noon.
Louissaint was last seen around 2 a.m. Feb. 12 at the Flats, just eight hours before the alert was sent to students. At 3 a.m., the update states, Louissaint called his sister, but has not been heard from or seen since.
At 5 a.m., Louissaint’s family contacted police and said he’s considered a threat to himself.
Louissaint is a black male, last seen wearing a white T-shirt and khaki pants. Anyone with information on Louissaint’s location is urged to contact UNFPD at (904) 620-2800 or the Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office at (904) 630-0500.
Spinnaker will continue to update this story as more information becomes available.
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