During the Senate meeting Feb. 13, Caleb Grantham retired from being Student Government President. He admitted it was a hard balancing act between SG and academics.
After Grantham stepped down, Bella Genta, the Vice President, stepped up and became the new President of SG until the election cycle is over in March.
Positions Filled
Lauren Branch and Jocelyne Vasquez both became Associate Justices. Romainique Tota became Club Alliance Assistant Director and Jaclyn Glosson became the Director of Club Alliance.
Senator Desiree Miller was sworn in to be Parliamentarian and acted as Parliamentarian for the first time throughout the Senate meeting. Senator Nina Lee became the University of Student Affairs Committee Chair. The new Elections Commissioner is Aesha Soliman. The new treasurer is Mitchell McCauley. He is currently working on SG’s budget, which is being deliberated.
Two fall Senate seats were filled as well by Theo Mason and Douglas Markowitz. Both had applied for a spring Senate seat, however, each failed to turn in their papers on time and therefore were delayed to the fall Senate.
One of the current initiatives being taken by SG is the Campus Safety Initiative. All senators were invited to walk with the Senate President, Dallas Burke, Feb. 15 after the budget deliberations to see which areas of campus were darker and what lights may be broken or not as bright.
The walk consisted of going through the main campus and the dorms, and then from Lot 18 to the Student Union.
Next, the Campus Safety Ad-Hoc Committee will draft a joint resolution which will then be voted on by Senate on Feb. 27.
The legislation that passed unanimously in Senate was JR-17S-3087 (Direction Correction). The bill will call the University State Committee to take action to increase labels for several buildings throughout campus and to update the maps that are on campus. The resolution was made in order to help students, staff, and visitors experience less confusion on campus.
The SG President, Genta, and the Vice President of Student Affairs, Dr. Mauricio Gonzalez, will be responsible for seeing this issue resolved.
The chair of the Budgets & Allocations Committee, Chris Jordan, brought up about that 85.9 percent of the travel request fund has been used. He is currently working to see if $10,000 can be transferred from Special Requests to Travel Requests.
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