UNF’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center and Pride Club, a student organization, present Sex Week and Alternative Sex Week to the campus community, from March 6 to 9.
LGBT Resource Center Sex Week started Monday, March 6, with a “Campus Safety Panel,” where students learn how to use UNF’s resources during a scenario of sexual harassment and sexual violence.
Kaitlyn Legg, director of the LGBT Resource Center, moderated the talk and presented speakers from the university such as UNFPD, Counseling Center, Women’s Center and Victim’s Advocacy, Equal Opportunity and Diversity, Student Ombudsman and the Dean of Students.
Tuesday March 7, LGBT Resource Center presented an Information Fair with stands from Pride club, Women’s Center of Jacksonville’s Rape Recovery Team, Women’s Center from UNF and others organizations regarding Sexual Education and Safety.
Attendants received a free, fast and confidential on-site HIV testing, done by the AIDS Healthcare Foundation. The results were given just 15 minutes after taking the test. According to LGBT coordinator, Angel Kalafatis, 54 students got tested for HIV, 18 for Hepatitis C and 18 for Syphilis.
Originally, the LGBT Resource Center was supposed to host all Sex Week events with the help of Pride student organization. However, about a month before the inauguration date, university officials removed “Love without limits,” “Coming out Kinky” and “A (grown-up) Toy Story” from LGBT Resource Center Sex Week programing.
Upcoming Events
The next event hosted by the LGBT Resource Center will talk about the dynamics of oppression and it’s called the “Anti-oppression” panel, Wednesday March 8 at 1:00 p.m. in building 58W, room 3804.
Pride Club Alternative Sex week will start Wednesday, March 8, with the panel “Love without Limits: Polyamory and Ethical Non-monogamy.” Kitty Chambliss, from the Relationship Equality Foundation, will direct the workshop at 3:00 p.m. in building 58W, room 3804 in the third floor.
The Relationship Equality Foundation will present its panel under the LGBT Sex Week programing, Thursday March 9. The REF will host “Navigating NRE,” where students will learn how to deal with the rush of a new relationship. The talk will take place at noon, in building 58W, room 3804 in the third floor of the Student Union.
Thursday evening Pride will have the workshop “Coming out Kinky” at 6:00 p.m. and it will be presented by Kitty Chamblis, from REF organization, in building 58W, room 3804 in the third floor of the Student Union.
Two hours later, at 8:00 p.m., Pride will also host a “Queer Prom” in the Coxwell Amphitheater. Attendants can dress up as the gender they choose, regardless of their biological sex.
Friday the LGBT Resource Center will explain students what it means to belong to the LGBT community. The event is called “LGBT 101” and the center representatives will clarify any doubts to the community.
Lastly, Pride Club will end its week with “A (Grown-up) Toy Story” hosted by Angel Kalafatis, UNF grad-student and founder of professorSex.com. The workshop will happen at 6:00 p.m. in building 58W, room 3804 in the third floor of the Student Union.
Students can visit www.unf.edu/LGBTRC/UNFSexWeek.aspx for more information regarding LGBT Resource Center Sex Week, and they can also visit www.unfprideclub.yolasite.com/ for Alternative Sex Week.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.