Offensive Graffiti
Offensive graffiti messages were found by a student in one of the bathrooms located off the hallway of the Computer Science Building on March 17th.
The offensive messages were carved on the toilet paper dispenser, and included a Nazi Swatsika and several racial slurs, according to the police report. The dispenser has been removed from the bathroom.
There were no surveillance cameras in the area, and officials have no suspect. The case is not cleared, but patrol efforts were suspended.
Trashing the Place
Officials responded to a call regarding a student who was having a “manic episode” in the Flats on March 19th.
The student was screaming and breaking things inside the dorm room after kicking out her boyfriend and visiting friend, according to the police report. When they both returned to the dorm, the student’s friend called UNFPD after seeing the condition of the room. The student claimed she only broke her things.
According to the police report, the student began showing signs of erratic behavior the night before when she walked into the breezeway naked, and began to yell at her roommates through their doors even though she knew both roommates were gone.
When officials arrived to the dorm, they noticed the student going through a breakdown. Officials were able to get in contact with the student’s mother who explained the student’s history of panic attacks. The student’s mother told officials that she was meeting her daughter that day, and would contact officials if she needed assistance.
The case is now closed.
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