New information from Student Government shows Vice President-elect Tajmaus Johnson was disqualified for shouting “f– you,” as well as physically intimidating SG President Isabella Genta.
According to Genta and four other witnesses, Johnson was looming over Genta and was screaming obscenities like “f— off” and “f— you.” He also referred to Genta as “honey” and “sweetheart.”
Johnson admitted to referring to Genta as “honey” and “sweetheart” but did not recall using the terms “f— off” or “f— you” to Genta. Johnson also argued that the terms “honey” and “sweetheart” are used to de-escalate situations where he is from. He testified that he did not have any harmful intent towards Genta.
President-elect Samantha Mims will begin her term not only with a suspension, but now without a vice president. Johnson is disqualified from not only taking the position, but from running for any SG position next fall semester.
In the judicial hearing, SG President Isabella Genta testified that while she was trying to civilly discuss an incident with Johnson earlier that day and clarify information, the situation quickly escalated.
In a statement given by Chief Justice Elizabeth Avila, the court found that through the “sexist name-calling,” “insults” and “threatening gestures” he was in violation of emotionally abusing Genta.
“The Court finds that someone capable of emotionally and mentally abusing their peer should not hold a leadership position in Student Government, especially one such as the Office of the Vice President,” Avila said in a statement.
Johnson’s disqualification comes a few weeks after Mims was suspended for breaking Title X, where she defamed the United Party. She will be suspended for 10 business days after she begins her term.
Before the disqualification, Johnson would have taken her place as vice president. Since she won’t have time to appoint a vice president as she will be suspended almost immediately after she comes into office, the Senate President will assume Presidency until Mims returns, according to the SG Constitution and Statutes.
Spinnaker reached out to Mims but she declined to comment.
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