You Don’t Surf
A surfboard has been taken from the top of a car on April 20. According to the police report, the student said the surfboard was taken in Lot 55, but the car was parked near the woods in Lot 18. Police officers searched the woods, but found nothing.
The nine foot blue and green surfboard is still missing, but patrol efforts were suspended due to lack of suspects and evidence.
What’s the mat-ter?
The technical director of the Fine Arts Center noticed something was missing as soon as she stepped through the doors. The floor mats of the west entrance coming from the Green near the stairs were missing.
According to the police report, the technical director last saw the mats at the end of March, and first talked to officials on April 6. A police officer went out to search the area on April 6, and found nothing. The technical director decided to wait on the police report to see if she could find it herself.
Police said the technical director checked several departments that used the Fine Arts Center from March 30 to April 6, but didn’t find anything. The technical director contacted UPD again on April 19, and wanted a police report for the stolen mats.
Patrol efforts were suspended, but resident assistants were told to keep an eye out for the mats during the housing inspections.
So, be careful when you walk in the Fine Arts Center, especially on a rainy day. How are we supposed to wipe our shoes now?
Bathroom Graffitti…How Original
Graffitti on the bathroom walls…what’s new? On April 21, a staff member found graffiti written on the bathroom wall in black permanent marker. Very original.
According to the police report, the message was written on the wall of the handicap stall in the men’s bathroom of Building 57. The staff member notified the supervisor, and cleaned the wall. Patrol efforts were suspended due there being no suspects or evidence.
Damaged and Egged
A student contacted UPD on April 9 regarding damage done on her car. According to the police report, someone had smashed the left front hubcap of her red Volkswagon while she slept at her apartment overnight. She also told officials that someone had egged her car a week before the incident.
According to the police report, the student suspected one of her friends caused the damage because she hasn’t been able to meet up with him. She said he had a reputation for having anger issues and damaging cars.
UPD is currently looking through video footage of the area for more information.
Relax and Get Snatched
A student went to UPD to report his Apple Watch and a Fossil wallet stolen on April 12. The student told officials that both items were taken while he was relaxing in the hot tub with a friend at the Flats. The student has tried to find his Apple Watch with his cellphone, but wasn’t successful. Officers went through the surveillance footage, but found nothing. The case has been suspended.
Bathroom Graffiti…How Original Part 2
The Starbucks manager contacted UPD on April 24 about graffiti written on the men’s bathroom wall with permanent black marker.
The graffiti was found in the wall of one of the stalls. Physical facilities removed the writing on the wall according to the police report. Officers went through the surveillance video, but could not find anything since the camera does not cover the bathroom area. The case has been suspended due to lack of suspect and evidence.
Taken Pills
UPD met with a student at the library on April 21 regarding some stolen pills. Police said the student had left a study room for a drink of water, but noticed he needed his pills. When he returned to the study room, he noticed his backpack was open and his pill bottle was gone.
The pill bottle contained 30 milligram tablets of Morphine, according to the police report. The student’s friend was in the study room during that time. He told officials that he did not take the pills and he also did not see anyone else take the pills.
The case has been suspended due to lack of evidence.
Scratch and Bump
UPD responded to a call regarding a damaged truck on April 22. According to the police report, the victim parked his red Nissan Frontier in the parking lot and noticed a scratch and a dent on the upper part of the tailgate.
After the investigation, the officer could not determine what caused the damage to the truck. The case is now suspended due to lack of evidence.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.