Police Beat: Golf Carts and Graffiti
May 8, 2017

Golf Cart Chase
A suspect stole a golf cart at the Wildlife Center on April 2, but it didn’t go unnoticed. An employee of the nearby ropes course saw the suspect taking the golf cart and chased the suspect on a bicycle. The employee had left the keys in the golf cart since he was returning some items to the office by hand.
The chase was brief as the suspect crashed into the woods when driving down a hill. The suspect decided to continue to run into the woods. The employee continued chasing the suspect on foot, and caught up to him since the suspect realized he couldn’t outrun his chaser.
The suspect told the employee that he was a past UNF student and took the golf cart “because I [the suspect] was bored”. The suspect then ran away deeper into the woods with his skateboard.
Officers searched through the nature trails on foot, on four wheelers and through a JSO air unit. However, they were unable to find the suspect. They are looking through video surveillance and are still on the look out for the suspect.
Graffiti, Graffiti and More Graffiti
Graffiti was found on the walls and mirrors of the men’s bathroom in the computer science building and Honor’s Hall, and also in the stairwell of Founder’s Hall on May 1.
The walls were filled with messages like “Wipe me down” and “Marxists that poison our children’s minds will be dealt with.” There were also several inappropriate messages such as “420 fag” and “F*** blunts.” The cleaning staff were able to clean off the graffiti in the bathrooms, and will be removing the graffiti in the stairwell in the coming weeks.
Officers did notice a similarity in writing between the graffiti in the stairwell and a previous case. However, due to lack of evidence and suspects patrol efforts were suspended on all of these cases.
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