The Forward Party: New Political Party on Campus
July 12, 2017
A new Student Government party has has joined the Red Party and the United Party on campus. The Forward Party recently registered with SG’s Office of Elections and plans on running in the upcoming fall election cycle.
On their website, the Forward Party has already posted a few projects they hope to implement, if their senators get voted into office. Those projects include a dog park on campus, increasing funding for the interfaith center and a reformation of Student Government. John Aloszka and Kim McKarin are the party chair and deputy party chair.
They also hope to implement a learning living community for those who are active in Greek Life, improve the food offered at the Lend-A-Wing Pantry, and expand the SG budget for Osprey Productions and Study Abroad scholarships.
The party released a statement saying that their platform is based off of, “environmental responsibility, government accountability, capital improvement, and diversity.”
The fall election cycle starts Sept. 12, when all political parties have to register to the Office of Elections. Fall elections will occur Oct. 24 and 25.
Spinnaker will provide an update when more information becomes available.

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