Police Beat: Fights and damaged cars
August 2, 2017

Roommate Squabble
It was around noon just outside of the Communications Building. Some students were out eating lunch or sunbathing out in the Green. However, at the English Language Program area, it was going down.
On July 19, a UNFPD officer arrived to the Student Health building in regards to a fight that left a student injured.
The victim got in a fight with two other UNF students at the English Language Program area in Bldg. 14. According to the police report, the two students knocked the victim to the ground and kicked him in the head, face and kidney area leaving the victim with several bruises and scrapes to the head, chest, back and arms.
According to one of the officers, the fight inside the building was broken up by the ELP assistant director and other students. The suspects were sent outside while the victim was asked to stay in the office. However, the assistant director told officials that the victim ran after the two suspects outside, where round two began.
The victim was able to give officials the names and descriptions of both suspects. All three students came to UNF together in the ELP during the spring semester and were roommates according to the police report.
The victim told officials that he didn’t have any problems with his roommates, but was accused of stealing a bottle of cologne from one of the suspects. He also told officials that after he moved out, he noticed that one of the suspects would stare at him whenever they ran into each other.
The director of ELP spoke with all three students and told officials that the fight started after one of the suspects told the victim “F*ck you.”
UNFPD will file a report to the State Attorney to obtain a warrant for both suspects. The victim decided not to pursue the case legally, but both suspects will be referred to student conduct.
Major Key
A student reported on July 25 that someone keyed her car at Hicks Hall.
According to the police report, the damage was on the passenger door of a silver Lexus. The victim told UNFPD that she hasn’t had any conflict with any of her co-workers.
Patrol efforts were suspended due to lack of evidence.
It’s Just A Scratch
UNFPD was dispatched to Lot 18 regarding a scratch on the side of a vehicle.
According to the police report, the complainant noticed the scratch after coming back from his daughter’s track meet. He also noticed a black Chevy Tahoe with white paint residue parked close to his own car, a white Toyota SUV.
One of the officers attempted to contact the owner of the black Tahoe, but was uncooperative and refused to return to the parking lot. They also contacted one of the passengers of the Tahoe, who told officials that she was careful not to hit the SUV. She also told officials that her 4-year-old nephew also followed behind her, but she did not notice if he opened the door more to hit the other car.
The case is now closed since there wasn’t any video evidence to determine if the black Tahoe door hit the SUV.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.