Police Beat: Drug overdose and police shatter a window
August 12, 2017

Drug Overdose
After a student overdosed, a student called UNFPD in order to help. Both UNFPD and the Jacksonville Fire Rescue Station 50 were dispatched to the Fountains to help on July 31.
Officials found the student unresponsive, sweating profusely and in need of medical attention according to the police report. The student was taken by Rescue 50 to Baptist Town Center.
Back at the Fountains, officials found three other students with heroin, cocaine, and marijuana. Officers seized a total of 1.2 grams of heroin, 1.4 grams of marijuana and 1.3 grams of antidepressant pills.
They also seized numerous amounts of paraphernalia like a grinder with a quarter inside, a pill bottle, a plastic soap box, and an iPhone box all with weed residue on it. The police report also states that officers seized rolling papers, a straw with cocaine residue, and a spoon with heroin residue.
Since a student called for medical assistance for another student experiencing an overdose, both students may receive medical amnesty due to Florida Statute 893.21. This statute states that a person who is experiencing a drug-related overdose or a person who seeks medical assistance for someone experiencing a drug-related overdose may not be charged, prosecuted, or penalized for the possession of drugs that were found at the time of getting help.
It is unsure at this time whether or not the students will receive medical amnesty since the case is still under active investigation. As of now, nobody is under custody.
The mouse got away!
An employee contacted UNFPD to report some missing computer equipment. Officials went to the library, where they were told a computer scanner and mouse were missing.
According to the police report, both items were in the reference lab on the second floor, but went missing anywhere between July 24 to the day it was reported on July 31.
Officials tried to scan the area for further evidence, but did not find anything.
UNFPD broke my window!
It has happened to us all. We set our keys down for a moment, and grab something from the car. You get out of your car and closed the door, but you forget the most important thing–your keys.
You frantically pull on the handle, hoping that your car is unlocked, but it isn’t and now you are locked out without a way to get home. This happened to a UNF student on Aug.1, and he called UNFPD to try and unlock his red Ford Focus to retrieve his keys.
According to the police report, the student and the officers tried for 30 minutes to get the keys, but were unsuccessful. The student suggested to break open the window, but the officers told the student that they cannot do that and suggested the student to call either AAA or Pop-A-Lock. The officer described the student as loud and confused, but the student agreed to call after seeing there was nothing else to do.
UNFPD received a call three hours later from the same student about his keys still being locked in his car. The police report states that same officer returned to the scene, and tried explaining to the student that there was nothing UNFPD could do since three different officers attempted unsuccessfully to unlock the car.
The student told officials that he did call AAA, but it would be an hour before they would arrive. The report states that the student tried to get the officer to try again, but the officer refused since he didn’t want to break any windows. After the student insisted, the officer tried again, and in the process of trying to open the door again the driver side back window shattered.
The police report states that the student asked the officer what they were going to do about the shattered window to which the officer advised that they were not responsible for the shattered window since things like that could happen. The student continued asking about liability for the window, and the officer had the night shift sergeant come to the scene.
According to the police report, the student had signed a motorist assist waiver form, which in most cases relieves them from any liability, the first time the officer tried helping the student. The officer did not have the student sign the waiver again the second time since it was a repeated call.
Patrol efforts were suspended, but at least the student got to drive back home.
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.