Daniels dismissed from track team after alleged shooting
September 27, 2017

A freshman track and field athlete was taken off the team after being accused of being the shooter in the Osprey Cove incident earlier this month. Even though he was listed on the roster, he was not a scholarship athlete according to Athletic Director Lee Moon.
Cameron Daniel, a Jacksonville native, was an invited walk on for the 2017-2018 track and field team. An invited walk on is an athlete who comes on a team after being highly sought after, but does not receive financial aid from the athletic program.
Daniel was described as a quiet individual with no signs of disruptive behavior or violence by Moon.

According to the student-athlete handbook, “any student who is charged and/or convicted with a criminal offense, other than a misdemeanor or traffic offense, has the duty to self-report the situation, in writing, to the Vice President for Student and International Affairs within 30 days of being charged with the crime. The Vice President for Student and International Affairs, (or designee), will review the alleged criminal conduct with the student to determine whether she or he should be exempt from further sanctions under the Student Code of Conduct.”
Daniel was charged with aggravated assault, shooting in a building, and use of a firearm on school property on Sept.1.
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