Police Beat: Shattered glass and a broken TV
October 18, 2017

Broken Wall of Glass
A UNF employee found a shattered 12-foot tall sheet of glass on Oct. 6 in the Biological Science Building.
Physical Facilities supervisor told officials that the employee heard something cracking throughout the night, but did not noticed the shattered glass until early in the morning. Officials also noticed that they could hear the glass making a steady, cracking sound throughout their conversation, according to the police report.
Officials are unsure how the glass was damaged. The police report states that the glass could have shattered on its own due to the design and stress the wall of glass was under. Another possibility is that someone messed with the glass wall, but there is no surveillance cameras or witnesses to prove that, according to the police report.
The area is currently blocked off to prevent injuries, and the glass is being removed. Patrol efforts were suspended since there is no evidence to prove a crime had occurred.
Concrete damaged my TV
On Oct. 8, an unknown suspect threw a small piece of concrete into one of the dorms in the Osprey Landing. According to the police report, the dorm window was open when the piece of concrete hit the resident’s TV, sound bar, desk and printer. But only the TV was damaged.
UNFPD was contacted by the student the next day. Due to the lack of follow up information and the prolonged period of time between the incident and when UNFPD was contacted, patrol efforts were suspended.
Another case of shattered Glass
On Oct. 2, UNFPD was dispatched to the Boathouse due to a shattered window.
The damage was first noticed on the inner pane of the window on Sept. 29 by an employee. There was a banner leaned against the window, and officials believe this was the cause of the damage according to the police report. Or maybe it was the Open Mic singers?
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