Hire me, please: Writing a better resume
May 15, 2018

The concept of preparing for the “real world” is one of the more intimidating parts of being a college student. As great as finally having that diploma may be, just how do you market yourself to prospective employers once you’re actually out there?
That’s where that handy little document called a “resume” comes in. You know, that paper where you summarize your assumed accomplishments and prove (or at least try to make it look like) you’re competent enough for the job you’re applying for?
However, actually sitting down and knowing how to write one is the part where many students get stuck.
According to Audra Morrison, a career counselor at the UNF Career Success Center (CSC), how you format and target your resume is mostly going to depend on your major or desired career path.
“A lot of resume feedback is very subjective,” Morrison said. “There’s not a lot of black and white, as it changes by industry standard.”
But have no fear; While we can’t tell you all of the ins-and-outs of resume formatting for your specific job track, Spinnaker reached out to the CSC in order to provide you with some generalized tips to help you get your resume started.
[pdf-embedder url=”https://unfspinnaker.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Hire-Me-Please_-Writing-A-Better-Resume.pdf” title=”Hire Me, Please_ Writing A Better Resume”]—
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