UNF poll reveals Curry leading the race for Mayor of Jacksonville
February 20, 2019
A newly released poll shows Mayor Curry predicted to win a second term. This poll measured who the citizens of Jacksonville plan to vote for and what issues matter to them in the upcoming local election season. After interviewing 912 potential voters on whom their choice is in the race for Mayor of Jacksonville, 52 percent stated that they plan on voting again for current mayor Lenny Curry (R). Anna Lopez Brosche, also a Republican, came in second place with 15 percent of Jacksonville voters.
Participants were also asked what the most important issue facing Jacksonville today. 62 percent of people polled believe that crime is the number one issue currently. Education rang in as the second biggest issue with 13 percent of the votes.

UNF Poll results on Jacksonville 2019 Elections
The 962 participants were also asked who they would vote for as Sheriff of Jacksonville and the Jacksonville City Council. 56 percent said Mike Williams (R), would be best for Sheriff and the majority of pollers did not know who they plan on voting for in the City Council.
“The election is upon us, absentee ballots have been mailed out and early voting begins
in less than two weeks,” said Michael Binder, faculty director of the UNF Public Opinion Research Lab. “It is very late in the game to dramatically change the narrative of these races.”

UNF Poll results on Jacksonville 2019 Elections.
The statistics of the people polled consisted of 44 percent Democrat, 48 percent Republican, and 8 percent independent or Non Party Affiliates. Only 2 percent of 18-24 year-olds participated in the poll, with the majority of people (37 percent) being 65 and older.
70 percent of the people polled were white, with only 23 percent of the poll consisting of black people and 2 percent of Hispanics participating.
The upcoming general Jacksonville election will take place on May 14, 2019. This newly released poll indicates that Mayor Curry will win a second term. He is just one of three Republicans running for the Jacksonville Mayoral race.
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