President Szymanski takes salary reduction to fund Emergency Relief Fund scholarships

Courtney Green, News Editor

UNF President Szymanski has taken a 15% salary reduction for 2020 to fund scholarships and need-based aid, some of which will offset costs directly related to COVID-19.

In addition to taking the salary reduction in 2020, the President’s Office has reduced its operating budget by 65% for 2021.

Together, the salary and operating budget reductions will create $250,000 in new scholarships and aid. 

Supporting students is one of UNF’s missions in normal times. Now the University’s mission to support students is even more critical, as COVID-19 reshapes all our lives.

“Each day, we hear another story that reminds us how important that support is, from single parents facing unemployment and a never-ending need to put food on the table, to students unable to afford rent with nowhere else to go,” Szymanski said in an email to students on April 22. “This week, I decided to reduce my salary, as well as the budget for my office, and direct those funds to support new student scholarships and assistance.”

According to a University press release, these reductions only impact the President and his Office. No additional cost-saving measures are being taken at this time. In a recent interview with Spinnaker, President Szymanski made it clear furloughs were not in the cards for UNF for now.


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