Who to call instead of 911
June 30, 2020

Depending on the situation, calling the police is not always the best course of action. Here is a list of other organizations and groups you can call instead of the police.
Mental Health
National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) 800-950-NAMI or in crisis text “NAMI” to 741741
Mental Health America (MHA) has a wealth of information on their website on how to get help
Mental Health Resource Center: MHRC North at (904) 695-9145 or MHRC South at (904) 642-9100
Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK
Florida Abuse Hotline 1-800-448-4663
Toll Free 24-Hour Sexual Assault Helpline (866)252-5439
Florida toll-free domestic violence hotline 800-500-1119
Rape Crisis Hotline (904) 355-7273
Child Abuse Hotline 800-962-2873
National Human Trafficking Hotline 1-888-373-7888
Hubbard House 24-hour hotline (904) 354-3114 or Textline (9040 210-3698
Micah’s Place 24-hour hotline (904) 225-9979
Women’s Center of Jacksonville offers support for a variety of issues (904) 722-3000
Substance Abuse
National Youth Crisis Hotline 1-800-448-4663
Breakthroughs Counseling and Recovery, Inc. (904) 419-6102
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
National helpline 1-800-662-HELP
Veterans Crisis Line 1-800-273-8255 (press 1)
NAMI information line 800-950-NAMI
Free Florida Rehab Centers 1-800-780-2294
Sober Living for Men Alpha House (904) 717-7400
Trinity Rescue Mission emergency shelter (904) 355-1205
Jacksonville and Duval County low income housing and shelters
Jacksonville FL rent assistance
Family Promise of Jacksonville (904) 354-1818
Jacksonville FL list of shelters
JASMYN (904) 389-3857 or email at jasmyn@jasmyn.org
PFLAG of Jacksonville (904) 737-3329
Northeast Florida AIDS network (NFAN) (904) 356-1612
The Trevor Project 1-877-488-7366 or text “Trevor” to 1-877-488-7366
Trans Lifeline (877) 565-8860
Other Resources
Florida Poison Control 1-800-222-1222
Animal Control (904) 630-CITY or email JaxPets@COJ.net
Jacksonville Human Rights Commission (904) 255-5397–Handles complaints for discrimination in employment, housing or public accomodations. You can also report ICE activity here.
Jacksonville Area Legal Aid (JALA) (904) 356-8371 ext. 334 — A variety of services offered pro bono or low-cost, including refugee immigration protection and immigration legal assistance. They cover 17 counties of North Florida.
Florida Immigrant Hotline 1-888-600-5762
For more information or news tips, or if you see an error in this story or have any compliments or concerns, contact editor@unfspinnaker.com.
Sarah Wiese • Jul 1, 2020 at 1:04 pm
The best number to call for the Women’s Center of Jacksonville is actually the 24hr crisis hotline at 904-721-7273. WCJ is the certified rape crisis center for Duval, Baker, and Nassau Counties. They serve all ages and genders and there is NO requirement to report to law enforcement. However, if you choose to report to law enforcement, they will help guide and support you through the process. Free counseling is offered to sexual violence survivors.
Cain Malvado • Jul 1, 2020 at 12:00 am
Think about this: burglary/home invasion is another situation in which calling the police is ill-advised. Considering the fact that police brutality is all too real for marginalized communities, you’re more likely, as a homeowner of color, to lose your life at the hands of police than those of a burglar. Burglaries are the result of socioeconomic inequalities, meaning that people commit them out of desperation, not because they’re ‘violent thugs.’