Trump signs executive order to prioritize job skills over college degree in government hiring

John Watson, Sports Editor

President Trump has made it clear that a college degree does not define the type of worker you are.

On Friday, June 26, President Trump signed an executive order to change the hiring process in federal agencies to not focus on whether or not a person earned a college degree. The skills a job seeker possesses are now the main point of determining whether or not a person is capable of working at a job in the federal government. 


The executive order aims to strengthen the federal workforce and open up opportunities for those who don’t meet unnecessary degree requirements.

The federal government is the nation’s leading employer with 2.1 million civilian employees. With Covid-19 forcing millions of Americans to file for unemployment, this executive order could give job seekers a boost going back to work.

“The federal government will no longer be narrowly focused on where you went to school, but the skills and talents that you bring to the job,” Trump mentioned about the executive order.

If you’re looking for work in a federal agency, make sure your fancy resume highlights your job skills and experience based on this executive order.


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