Student Government seeking Senators
September 11, 2020
Nathan Turoff, Student Government Reporter
The UNF Student Government Senate is facing a crisis – the lack of attendance.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the restrictions induced by the school, many Senators elected in the spring have left and the result is a historically low amount of Senate seats being filled. The Senate traditionally has forty seats available, with 20 elected in fall semester, and the other 20 being elected in the spring semester. As of writing, there are currently only thirteen out of the 40 seats filled. For reference, that is a less than 25% capacity.

The Senate has had a very rough time working efficiently with such low numbers, so just last week, they passed SB-20F-3513. This action extends the deadline for which students may seek appointment to the Senate, in order to fill the missing spring seats before the fall election. The new deadline to apply is Oct. 5.
Any and all students interested in appointment should visit the Student Government website for more information, and soon the Senate will be back to running smoothly.
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