Tips for UNF residents on keeping yourself and your belongings safe

Shelby Senesac, News Editor

No matter where you live, the possibility of burglary or theft lingers. What precautions can UNF residents take to avoid potential burglaries and thefts?

 Last year, there were a number of burglaries at UNF’s student housing center, The Flats. While UNF is committed to providing safety and security to all residents, residents also need to take part in keeping themselves, their belongings, and their apartments protected.

 First and foremost: keep your doors and windows locked. Whether you’re inside your apartment or you step outside for a few minutes, lock up. According to UPD’s Student Safety Tips, “Most crimes are crimes of opportunity. It only takes a few seconds for someone to enter your room or your car and take your valuables. We recommend that you always lock your door and windows when your room or your car is unattended.”

 At night, consider leaving on the radio, TV, or a light in your apartment to indicate that the home is occupied. If you’re concerned about the energy bill, consider purchasing an inexpensive light timer.

 If you plan on going away for an extended period of time, let someone you trust in the community know or inform the management office so they can frequently check on your apartment while you’re gone.

 Residents should get to know their neighbors and always be aware of their surroundings. GEICO Living suggests that by getting to know the people who live around you, you’ll be able to recognize if a person in the building doesn’t belong and is acting strangely. Getting better acquainted with your neighbors also allows everyone to look out for one another.

 Draw your curtains or close your blinds after dark if you’re on the first floor of the building. Police officers stated in an article published on Patch that if curtains or blinds are left open, others can still see through the window even though you can’t see out. Leaving curtains or blinds open presents an opportunity for a potential burglar to seek out valuables in the apartment. As for your vehicle, make sure any valuables in the car are stored away and out of sight.

 Lastly, if you see something, say something. UPD stated they’d rather check out 100 “false alarms” than miss one incident truly needing their attention. Whether you see suspicious activity, witness a crime occur, or have information about a crime, speak up and let UPD know.

 To report a crime or suspicious activity, please contact UPD at (904) 620-2800.

Crimes can also be reported anonymously by filling out UPD’s Silent Witness form.


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