Inside Osprey Life and Productions

Nathan Turoff, Features Editor

If you have attended any events on-campus, such as during Week of Welcome, drive-in movies, or the recent Battle of the Bands, you’ve probably noticed that most of these events have one major thing in common. They are put on by Osprey Life and Productions (OLP).

One of the most well-known groups on campus, OLP is focused on student activities, with the goal of creating “impactful programming and event marketing focused on the holistic development of students while enhancing campus life.”

Week of Welcome, one of OLP’s biggest events

By sponsoring events and activities for students, OLP helps promote school spirit, student well-being, and campus appreciation. Spinnaker met with OLP Director Courtney King, who gave insight into how and why OLP operates.

She explained how OLP usually does just events, but had stepped up their digital presence on social media platforms to account for COVID-19 restrictions. King estimated that OLP puts on a total of about 120 events over the course of a school year.

It takes a lot of money to put on events like this, and OLP is no exception. They receive hundreds of thousands of dollars each year, and according to King, like any RSO’s, it all comes from Student Government via the Activity and Service Fee.

A&S budget allocations for the 2020-2021 school year, Courtesy of Student Government

In terms of how OLP is structured, King explained how OLP is centered around staff—like herself—giving the students the tools they need to put on events. The rest, including deciding, planning, and staging the events is completely student-run

For students who want to join OLP, King said how they have two open positions, and are still hiring. She recommended applying if you love UNF and are good at social media. Most positions are filled in March, with onboarding completed before spring finals.

More information about Osprey Life and Productions, including a schedule of all their fall events, can be found here.


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