SDS holds Black Lives Matter Rally on Campus

Nathan Turoff, Features Editor

(Updated 11:45 am Oct. 22 to include SDS statement)

UNF Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) held our annual Black Lives Matter on October 11th, 2021. After a history of racist events on campus, such as white students mocking student protestors as monkeys, the presence of Neo-Nazis on campus, and the Floyd Rebellion of 2020, UNF SDS is committed to fighting back against all forms of racism on campus by hosting BLM protests every year.

SDS stands in solidarity with all marginalized students at UNF. Our Black Lives Matter event centers the voices of students fighting for social justice on and beyond campus. This year we hosted our event during Indigenous’s People’s day to present the erased truth of marginalized communities who have been historically silenced.

Black Lives Matter is made of young people, many being students, struggling towards justice for all victims of police brutality and for a fair policing system. SDS stands in solidarity with all grassroots community organizations fighting for a Civilian Police Accountability Council (CPAC). Our goal is to center the voices of Black and Brown students and continue to build a movement through actions and demands.

Join us every Tuesday at 6pm, in the Student Union Room 3602 to learn more!

If you Dare to Struggle, you Dare to Win!

(Original Article Below)

In the face of inclement weather, the Students for a Democratic Society(SDS) held their Black Lives Matter protest on the Campus Green on Monday afternoon.

Students forming a circle around a speaker, photo by Justin Nedrow

Despite rain forcing the students to take shelter under the awning of the Lazzara Performance hall, dozens of students gathered with signs to protest the treatment of African-Americans by law enforcement.

Some of the student signs brought to the protest, photo by Justin Nedrow

A pro-life group was set up on the other side of the green for their own protest, but with larger and more numerous signs,  combined with a microphone setup, the BLM protest was much more profound.

Students were hardly deterred by the rain, photo by Justin Nedrow

Spinnaker reached out to SDS, who was unavailable for comment by the time of publishing. More information about SDS, and their future meetings and protests can be found on their Instagram here.



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